My CWNE essays published

TL;DR – scroll to the bottom for links to my essays and several other CWNE’s.

In 2020 I finally got around to applying for and being granted the accreditation of Certified Wireless Network Expert (CWNE) from CWNP.

Now that this monkey was off my back I could smugly ask others what was taking them so long support others going through the application process. The most common road block I find people have about preparing their application is the 3 essays you need to submit. But the essays really don’t need to be the PHD worthy material everyone scares themselves into thinking is required. For that reason I am publishing my CWNE essays below for others to use as a reference or benchmark.

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How to verify whether 802.11k and 11r are enabled (via a capture)

I was chatting with my old colleague and friend Vince Folk from Vocera recently when he challenged me to name the Information Elements you would find 802.11k/r settings in.

Immediately my smugness shot to Maximum because this is something I’m very familiar with, you might even have seen my WLPC EU 2019 video analysing 802.11k/r/v. However, as the biotic hamsters in my dusty shell of a skull scurried around trying to find the grey matter holding this information my smugness waned.

When Vince finally put me out of my misery the IE names did not ring a bell with me. Not a single one! So the only reasonable course of action was to blog about it, to cement it into the aforementioned grey matter, and hopefully help someone else out too.

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